Next Steps
Begin to Belong
Here at Family Worship Centre, we want you to feel as though you belong! We have found two ways that really help people feel connected. First, by volunteering, and second, by joining a small group family.
Our Children's Ministry serves kids ages
0-12. If you love kids, click the button below to get in touch our kids team. You can call 780-778-2572 or click the button below to email.
If you're interested in working with youth age kids,
contact our youth team.
Kids & Youth Ministry
Do you like getting to know people and helping new people feel welcome? Our Welcome Team is a great place to serve! Click the button below to contact the church office.
Welcome Team
Do you sing or play an instrument? Pastor Dallas would love to chat with you about volunteering. If you are more of a 'behind the scenes' person, we are always looking for more video or sound technicians and we provide all the training!
Worship Team
Small Groups
We encourage every person in our church to get involved with a small group. Click the button below to see a list of our small groups. Small groups are for men, women, couples, families, and singles. Some groups are more specific, others are open to everyone. Some are fairly short, like MTM (More Than Music) on Thursday evenings, some last a couple of hours. Connect with a small group leader or click the button below to contact Pastor Dallas.
Celebrate Recovery
A Christ centered recovery program to help with your hurts, habits, and
hang-ups in a safe and confidential environment.
In applying the 8 biblical principles and working the steps of Celebrate Recovery, we are changed! We open the door by sharing our experiences, strengths, and hopes with one another. In addition, we become willing to accept God’s grace in solving our lives’ problems. We begin to grow spiritually. We become free from our addictive, compulsive, and dysfunctional behaviors. This freedom creates peace, serenity, joy and most importantly, a stronger personal relationship with God and others. Interested in learning more? You're invited to attend a public meeting.
Tuesdays | 7:45 pm | Whitecourt Family Worship Centre 4220 Elko Drive
No commitment necessary, no strings attached
How Does It Work?
Water Baptism
Jesus and his followers were baptised by total immersion in water. In Matthew 3:13-17 you can read about Jesus' experience with water baptism. Water baptism can be a very meaningful step in your walk with God. We have water baptisms here at the church on a regular basis. Talk to Pastor Dallas if this is something that you would like more information on. You can contact him by filling out this form.
Click the video below to watch a recent baptism!